Java Reference
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The primitiveAttributes2columns() query simply invokes the
primitiveAttribute2column query for each attribute, returning the results
as an ordered set.
query UML::DataType::primitiveAttributes2columns( in targetType:
UML::DataType) : OrderedSet (RDB::TableColumn) {
self .attributes-> collect (a |
Primitive types are filtered using the isPrimitive() query in the when
clause, which checks to see that the targetType parameter is of type
UML::PrimitiveType . The column's isPrimaryKey property is set using the
isPrimaryKey() query, which checks to see that a stereotype is present equal
to the String "primaryKey" . The name of the primitive type passed in is used
as the column name, and the type is set to a PrimitiveDataType object whose
name is initialized by the umlPrimitive2rdbPrimitive() query. This query
uses a simple String comparison of basic types.
mapping UML::Property::primitiveAttribute2column( in targetType:
UML::DataType) : RDB::TableColumn
when { self .isPrimitive() }
isPrimaryKey := self .isPrimaryKey();
name := self .name;
type := object RDB::datatypes::PrimitiveDataType { name :=
umlPrimitive2rdbPrimitive( self; };
query UML::Property::isPrimitive() : Boolean {
type. oclIsKindOf (UML::PrimitiveType)
query UML::Property::isPrimaryKey() : Boolean {
query umlPrimitive2rdbPrimitive( in name : String ) : String {
if name = 'String' then 'varchar' else
if name = 'Boolean' then 'int' else
if name = 'Integer' then 'int' else
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