Java Reference
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name. Also, the sample uses the URI declared by the models in their EMF regis-
tration, which align better with the EMF convention. It would be possible to
import each model into the project and add Metamodel Mappings in the project
properties and assign the original URI, as shown next. The only other difference
is the model names, which, in this case, reflect the names assigned in the Ecore
modeltype UML uses simpleuml("omg.qvt-samples.SimpleUML");
modeltype RDBMS uses rdb("omg.qvt-samples.SimpleRDBMS");
transformation Uml2Rdb( in srcModel:UML, out RDBMS);
Looking at the transformation declaration, because only one transforma-
tion is defined in the file, no braces are required to surround its contents. Note
also that a name is assigned to the input UML model but not to the RDBMS out-
put model.
The entry point of a QVTO transformation is its main mapping. As you can
see here, the UML::Model class is passed in as the root object, and the out
parameter instantiates and returns an RDB::Model object. Both the input and
output parameters are given a name to be accessed by within the body of the
main ( in model: UML::Model, out rdbModel: RDB::Model) {
rdbModel:= model. map model2RDBModel();
In the body, the rdbModel output is assigned the results of the
model2RDBModel() mapping, which is invoked by appending .map to the
model element, indicating that it will be passed as the input to the mapping.
The model2RDBModel() mapping is straightforward and could have been
folded into the main mapping. The name of the UML model is mapped to the
name of the RDB model, and the UML::Model element is passed to the pack-
age2schemas query.
mapping UML::Model::model2RDBModel() : RDB::Model {
name := self .name;
schemas := self .package2schemas();
The package2schemas() query returns an OrderedSet of Schema
objects, which are created from the package and its subpackages. In the body of
the query, the UML::Package is mapped to an RDB::Schema object by the
package2schema() mapping. The result is unioned with a mapping of
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