Java Reference
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The oclIsKindOf() operation is used frequently, and you can substitute
the unary # operator for it. Typing #Topic is equivalent to typing
oclIsKindOf(Topic) . This shorthand notation is not currently
The oclIsTypeOf() operation is also commonly used, and you can sub-
stitute the unary ## operator for it. Typing ##Topic is equivalent to
typing oclIsTypeOf(Topic) . This shorthand notation is not currently
You can substitute the unary * operator for the stereotypedBy()
operation. Typing *aStereotype is equivalent to typing
stereotypedBy("aStereotype") . The multiplication operator brings
up no ambiguity because of the type involved (String vs. Float/Integer).
This shorthand notation is not currently supported.
You can substitute the unary % operator for the format() operation.
Typing 'the name is %s\n' % name is the equivalent to typing
'the name is %s\n'.format(name) . Again, ambiguity is eliminated
because of the type involved. This shorthand notation is not currently
Instead of using the single equals sign ( = ) equality operator, you can use
the more familiar double equals sign ( == ) for comparison operations.
* This shorthand notation is not currently supported.
You can replace the not-equal operator <> with the familiar != operator.
* This shorthand notation is not currently supported.
You can use the binary operator + for String concatenation, thereby
replacing 'append'.concat('me') with 'append' + 'me' . Again,
ambiguity is eliminated by the type involved (String vs. Integer/Float).
When adding to lists, you can replace the add() operation with the
binary operator += —for example, allSubtopics +=
topic.subtopics() .
* Note that using == and != shorthand notation requires a directive com-
ment at the top of the source file. This makes the traditional OCL operators =
and <> illegal within the file. Following is an example directive comment
(although it seems that use-contemporary-syntax would be a more fitting name):
-- directive: use-traditional-comparison-syntax
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