Java Reference
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String ::match (matchpattern: String ) : Boolean
Returns true if the regex matchpattern is found in the String. If the pattern
is not found, it returns false . The following example outputs true .
log ('xxxy'.match('x*y').repr());
String ::equalsIgnoreCase (match: String ) : Boolean
Returns true if the String is the same as the match String, without taking
case into account. Returns false otherwise. The following example outputs
true .
log ('a simple test'.equalsIgnoreCase('A Simple Test').repr());
String::find (match:String) : Integer
Returns the index of the start of the substring that equals the match String,
or -1 otherwise. The following example returns 10 .
log ('find the x character'.find('x').repr());
String ::rfind (match: String ) : Integer
Returns the index of the start of the substring beginning from the right that
equals the match String, or -1 otherwise. The following example returns 10 .
log ('find the x character'.rfind('x').repr());
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