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var topics : Sequence (Topic) :=
self .elements->select( oclIsTypeOf (Topic)->collect( oclAsType (Topic));
-- using shorthand, the following is equivalent:
var topics : Sequence (Topic) :=
self .elements[ oclIsTypeOf (Topic)]. oclAsType (Topic);
13.5.2 Imperative Operations
QVTO provides a number of imperative operations, including forEach ,
forOne , while , and switch . Additionally, imperative versions of OCL are
available. This section describes each and provides examples of their use.
The forEach imperative loop expression executes the loop for all the elements
in the collection for which the conditional expression holds. QVTO currently
does not support this expression.
The forOne imperative loop expression executes the loop for only the first ele-
ment in the collection that satisfies the conditional expression. QVTO currently
does not support this expression.
The while control expression iterates on an expression until its condition is
false . You can terminate a while using a break, or you can direct execution to
the beginning of the next iteration at any point using the continue expression.
Following is an example of a while loop used to create a table name from a class
* Replaces camel case with underscore, e.g. firstName -> FIRST_NAME
query String ::toColumnName() : String {
var name : String := '';
var digit : String := '';
var pos : Integer := 1;
while (pos <= self .size()) {
digit := self .substring(pos, pos);
if digit.toLowerCase() <> digit then {
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