Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Graphical Modeling
Framework FAQs
Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) is such an extensive framework and tooling infra-
structure that many questions often appear on the newsgroup. Some have been collected
into FAQ content on the GMF wiki pages, but here you find a collection of the most com-
monly asked questions about how to use GMF. Where possible, the answer references
information within the topic and its sample projects.
12.1 General FAQs
The FAQs in this section relate to general topics on GMF, the project.
How do I get started with GMF?
Aside from reading this topic, you can find a number of wiki pages at that contain informa-
tion on a wide range of GMF topics. Many tutorials on both the tooling side of
GMF and its runtime have been posted, along with FAQs, new and noteworthy
documents, and more.
What advantages does GMF offer over Graphical Editing Framework (GEF)?
GMF simplifies the integration of EMF as the underlying model for a GEF
diagram. With that, it provides a separate notation model that is used to segre-
gate the domain from diagram information. A number of services, extension-
points, and APIs are provided with GMF to make developing diagrams easier
than if you had started with GEF alone. Add to this the capability to define dia-
grams using a series of models and generate a large portion of the diagram code
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