Java Reference
In-Depth Information
can use the string {reuseEMFIcon} to force the use of the EMF editor icon.
Again, the easiest way to use your own icon is to simply replace the generated
one with a custom one using the default name and location.
This is the unique ID used for the diagram editor, which is registered in the plug-
in manifest as an eclipse.ui.editors contribution. This ID should be unique
if you are working with several diagrams for the same domain model.
Generate as Eclipse Editor
By default, GMF generates a diagram that is an Eclipse editor. Alternatively, the
lite runtime enables the Toolsmith to generate a diagram that functions in an
Eclipse view.
11.4.8 Gen Navigator
The Gen Navigator element and children generate support for the common
navigator ( Package Explorer view). This allows diagram content—and, option-
ally, domain model content—to be displayed below the file in the navigator.
Most of the properties of this element are ID and class names that need no expla-
nation; the rest are described here.
Generate Domain Model Navigator
As mentioned, GMF also allows the content of a diagram's domain model to be
exposed in the Project Explorer . The default value is true . When working with
several generated diagrams for a single domain model, only one of the editors
should have a value of true for this property. Otherwise, duplicate domain
model structures will be observed in the navigator.
Gen Navigator Child Reference
This child element has properties that affect how diagram elements are displayed
in the tree; see Table 11-11. By default, GMF generates logical groups for incom-
ing and outgoing diagram links, including subelements for link source and target
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