Java Reference
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Custom Connection exists and can be set to any fully qualified figure class
name. A number of custom attributes can be added to the custom class as well.
A number of border types are available, including Line Border , Margin
Border , Compound Border , and Custom Border .
Line Border
A Line Border has additional properties for color and width, and a Margin
Border has a child Insets property, as mentioned earlier. A Compound
Border has child inner and outer Border elements. Finally, a Custom Border
is simply a custom figure class that you can set to any fully qualified class name
with custom attribute properties.
Margin Border
You can add a Margin Border to figures where space is desired between the
outside edge and the children figures. An Insets element is added to the border
to specify bottom, left, top, and right margins.
Compound Border
When you want to add more than one border to a figure, you can use a
Compound Border . An inner and outer border ( Line , Margin , Compound , or
Custom ) can be added to produce a great number of border effects. For exam-
ple, if a Compound Border consists of an outer margin border and an inner line
border, an inset line can be drawn inside a figure.
Custom Border
If you have a custom coded border class, you can enter its fully qualified name
in a Custom Border element.
A Label figure has an additional Text property, used to set the default text
value. A Label produces a generated org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.
ui.figures WrappingLabel class. This class does not extend the
org.eclipse.draw2d.Label class, but it provides wrapping of the label's text
at a given width and alignment.
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