Java Reference
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mapping definition model. Validation is performed upon transformation
from the mapping model to generator model, or when invoked manually
from the context menu.
The implementation bundle property is currently used only when generating
standalone figure plug-ins. The idea is that the Figure Gallery entry in the
mirrored diagram definition indicates the plug-in where custom figures are found
and referenced. Upon generation, these bundle names are added to the
Require-Bundle list of the generated plug-in so that custom figures whose
fully qualified names are specified can be resolved.
A Figure Descriptor has a name and describes a figure by holding a ref-
erence to a Figure and its accessors, if any. Figure descriptors enable figure gal-
leries to be reused with figures nested within other figures without an explicit
reference to their parent.
Note that the code-generation templates use the Figure Descriptor
name when generating the figure code. Typically, the descriptor and its
figure are given the same name, although it's fine to omit the name on the
A Figure Descriptor contains a single Figure , while a Figure
Gallery can contain a number of Figure elements. A Figure Descriptor
can use a Figure Reference as its figure, but these are not allowed as con-
tained elements of a Figure Gallery . A Figure Reference element merely
holds a reference to another figure to allow for reuse.
Figures come in a variety of flavors and are typically generated as
org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure subclasses. Note that it is also possible to
define a figure to be used in a GMF diagram using SVG.
As you can see from the context menu on a Figure Descriptor , you can
specify many types of figures. Each of these is described shortly, along with its
individual properties. Because they all extend from the Figure element, they share
a number of common properties, covered first.
Each Figure can be assigned the properties in Table 11-1.
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