Java Reference
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IntermediateEventImageEditPart" />
<popupAction path="/additions"
The ContributionItemProvider class declared in the extension is shown
next. It extends the abstract provider supplied by the runtime and returns a new
DisplayDefaultFigureAction class that we'll add to the *. diagram.cus-
tom.actions package. The action extends the provided BooleanProperty
Action class, leaving us with just an ID field and initialization to add.
public class ContributionItemProvider extends
AbstractContributionItemProvider {
protected IAction createAction(String actionId,
IWorkbenchPartDescriptor partDescriptor) {
if (actionId.equals(DisplayDefaultFigureAction.ID)) {
return new
return super .createAction(actionId, partDescriptor);
public class DisplayDefaultFigureAction extends BooleanPropertyAction {
static public final String ID = "displayDefaultFigureAction";
public DisplayDefaultFigureAction(IWorkbenchPage workbenchPage) {
super (workbenchPage, PackageUtil.getID(
"Display default image");
setText("Display default image");
setToolTipText("Use the default image display
for this element");
We need to add the org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.actions
plug-in to our dependencies list. The ID declared in our extension matches the
ID field in our action class, which uses the ID of our default:EBoolean attrib-
ute of our CustomStyle class. We're also declaring that the contribution item
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