Java Reference
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Configuration markup:
<!ELEMENT extension (clientContext* , binding*)>
<!ELEMENT clientContext (enablement | matcher)>
<!ATTLIST clientContext
This element defines a client context, representing a class of objects that a
client wants to edit using a set of ElementTypes and advice.
A client context can declare an <enablement> expression that matches
model elements that are included in the context. Where that is not sufficient, an
alternative is to define a matcher class using a <matcher> element.
id —The unique ID of the client context.
<!ELEMENT matcher EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST matcher
This element specifies the class that determines whether an existing model
element matches this client context.
class —The fully qualified name of a class that implements
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.IElementMatcher .
<!ELEMENT binding (elementType* , advice*)>
<!ATTLIST binding
This element defines a binding between a client context and one or more
ElementTypes or advice. The context itself can be declared by the same plug-
in or by a different plug-in.
You can specify the constraints to be bound by any number of nested
<elementType> and/or <advice> elements to reference multiple Element
Types and/or advice.
context —References the ID of a context that is bound to one or more
ElementTypes or advice.
<!ELEMENT elementType EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST elementType
This element defines an ElementType or a pattern of ElementType IDs in
a client context <binding>.
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