Java Reference
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This element specifies a group of global actions that this provider handles for
the specified view and element types.
id —A unique identifier of a registered view.
<!ELEMENT ElementType (GlobalActionId+)>
<!ATTLIST ElementType
This element defines the set of global actions that this provider handles when
objects of the specified type are selected.
class —A fully qualified name of the class or interface that at least one
object in the selection must subclass or implement for this provider to be asked
to handle the action(s).
<!ELEMENT GlobalActionId EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST GlobalActionId
This element describes a global action that this provider will handle.
actionId —The name of a global action that this provider handles. Global
action names are specified in org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.ui. .
<!ATTLIST Policy
This element optionally specifies a policy to use to further determine whether
this provider should be considered to provide a handler for a global action, given
that the view, element type, and action ID all match the specified criteria. To
delay plug-in loading, the recommended strategy for policies is to define them
in a separate package and add Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy in the
MANIFEST.MF so that loading the policy class does not load the plug-in.
class —The fully qualified name of the class that implements
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service.IProviderPolicy .
The following is an example of the GlobalActionHandlerProvider
extension contributions that are added by default to generated diagrams to han-
dle common actions (such as save, cut, copy, paste, and bookmark):
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