Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The path must start with a / , indicating the root of the contribution man-
ager. Following that could be a submenu_id path that is also / -delimited.
<!ELEMENT partActionGroup EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST partActionGroup
This element defines an action group contribution to a workbench part's
action bars.
id —The ID of the part action group contribution. The ID is unique within
a provider.
<!ELEMENT popupPredefinedItem EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST popupPredefinedItem
remove (true | false)>
This element defines a reference to a previously defined contribution to a
workbench part's pop-up menu. The referenced contributed must be defined in a
lower-priority provider.
id —The ID of the previously defined pop-up action contribution. The ID
combined with the path is unique within the pop-up menu.
path —The contribution path of this previously defined item within the pop-
up. The path is a / -delimited String in the following format:
The path must start with a / , indicating the root of the contribution
manager. Following that could be multiple submenu_id paths that are also
/ -delimited.
remove —If true , an existing contribution item is removed.
The following is an example of a contribution item provider extension from
the Logic Diagram where group and ungroup functionality is added. Note also
that diagrams generated using GMF's tooling contribute to this extension-point
for all delete actions.
<extension id="LogicExampleGroupContributionItemProvider"
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