Java Reference
In-Depth Information
menubarPath CDATA #IMPLIED
toolbarPath CDATA #IMPLIED
global (true | false) "false">
This element specifies an action to be contributed to a workbench part's
action bars. Attributes are the same as described earlier.
<!ELEMENT partCustom EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST partCustom
menubarPath CDATA #IMPLIED
toolbarPath CDATA #IMPLIED>
This element specifies a custom contribution to a workbench part's action
bars. Attributes are the same as described earlier.
<!ELEMENT popupMenu EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST popupMenu
path CDATA "/additionsGroup">
This element specifies a menu to be contributed to a workbench part's pop-
up menu.
id —The ID of the pop-up menu manager contribution. The ID is unique
within a provider.
path —The contribution path of this menu within the pop-up. The path is a
/ -delimited String in the following format:
The path must start with a / , indicating the root of the contribution man-
ager. Following that could be submenu_id path that is also / -delimited. The
final token in the path is either a group_id or a contribution_id .
If the last token is a group, the contribution is appended to the end of the
group. Otherwise, the contribution is inserted after the given contribution_id .
If the field is omitted, the contribution does not take place with the pop-up menu.
<!ELEMENT popupMenuGroup EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST popupMenuGroup
path CDATA "/"
separator (true | false) "true">
This element specifies a menu group to be contributed to a workbench part's
pop-up menu.
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