Java Reference
In-Depth Information
menubarPath CDATA #IMPLIED
toolbarPath CDATA #IMPLIED>
This element adds menu to a workbench part's action bars.
id —An optional identifier used to reference this menu contribution. It must
be unique within the contribution item provider.
menubarPath —The contribution path of this menu within the part's menu
bar. The path is a /-delimited String in the following format:
The path must start with a / , indicating the root of the contribution man-
ager. Following that could be a submenu_id path that is also / -delimited. The
final token in the path is either a group_id or a contribution_id . If the last
token is a group, the contribution is appended to the end of the group. Other-
wise, the contribution is inserted after the given contribution_id . If the field
is omitted, the contribution does not take place with the menu bar.
toolbarPath —The contribution path of this menu within the part's tool-
bar. The path is a / -delimited String in the following format:
The path must start with a / indicating the root of the contribution manager.
Following that could be a submenu_id path that is also / -delimited. The final
token in the path is either a group_id or a contribution_id .
If the last token is a group, the contribution is appended to the end of the
group. Otherwise, the contribution is inserted after the given contribution_id .
If the field is omitted, the contribution does not take place with the toolbar.
<!ELEMENT partMenuGroup EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST partMenuGroup
menubarPath CDATA #IMPLIED
toolbarPath CDATA #IMPLIED
separator (true | false) "true">
This element specifies a menu group to be contributed to a workbench part's
action bars. Attributes are the same as described earlier.
<!ELEMENT partAction EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST partAction
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