Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Information to create the contribution (such as ID)
Information to perform the contribution (such as path within manager)
Information to consider the contribution (such as target ID, class)
Configuration markup:
<!ELEMENT extension (contributionItemProvider+)>
<!ELEMENT contributionItemProvider (Priority , (partContribution* ,
<!ATTLIST contributionItemProvider
checkPluginLoaded (true | false) "true">
This element is used to describe a contribution item provider that will con-
tribute actions and toolbar items to a view's pop-up menus or action bars.
class —The name of a fully qualified class that extends the
contributionitem . AbstractContributionItemProvider and
checkPluginLoaded —Indicates whether the service should consider con-
tributions from this provider only if the declaring plug-in is already loaded
(either true or false ). The default value is true .
<!ATTLIST Priority
name (Lowest|Low|Medium|High|Highest) >
This element specifies the priority that this provider has relative to other
ContributionItemProviders that are registered to provide the same kind of
contribution to the same menu or toolbar. All providers have the opportunity to
make their contributions. The provider with the lowest priority is chosen as the
first contributor, while the provider with the highest priority is chosen as the last
contributor. This means that a provider that wants to add contributions to menus
or groups contributed by another provider must have the higher priority so that
the menu or group has already been contributed by the time it is asked to make
its own contributions.
name —The name of the provider priority— Lowest , Low , Medium , High , or
Highest .
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