Java Reference
In-Depth Information
class —The fully qualified name of a class/interface that is assignable from,
or adaptable to, the object. The name can be followed (between parentheses) by
the ID of a plug-in whose classloader can load that class. The final syntax is
className<(plugin id)>?.
<!ELEMENT context EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST context
providesRootEditPart (true | false) "false">
This element defines a context supported by the EditPart provider.
views —A comma-separated list of view object IDs (from the provider XML
definition) that this provider supports in this context.1
providesRootEditPart true or false for whether this context repre-
sents the root EditPart .
Following is an example EditPart provider extension-point contribution
that the GMF tooling provides in generated diagrams:
<Priority name="Lowest"/>
API information:
The EditPart provider class that should implement the interface
editpart.IEditPartProvider . Note that this interface is in an internal
package namespace, meaning that it is not yet public API. An alternative is to
extend the public AbstractEditPartProvider , found in the package org. .
Another internal class provided for support of rendered images is
DiagramUIRenderEditPartProvider , which is found in the package
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.render.internal.providers .
As was the case with the View Service, two providers for the
EditPartService are contributed by the geoshapes and the general diagram
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