Java Reference
In-Depth Information
pins indicate extension-points, while filled pins indicate extensions that are
linked to their corresponding point.
Figure 10-23
GMF runtime extension-points
Figure 10-24 is a diagram of the org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.
core.service package, which contains the key elements of the service infra-
structure and API.
The IProvider interface declares a provides() method for use in deter-
mining the applicability of a service to handle a given operation. As shown in the
IProvider interface, a Provider can have change listeners attached. The
AbstractProvider class implements the IProvider interface and has an
abstract subclass Service , which is provided for clients to extend when creat-
ing new services. The Service class maintains a list of its providers, which are
added with a ProviderPriority and ProviderDescriptor . The following
priorities are defined in the ProviderPriority enumeration and specify the
provider's relative importance: LOWEST , LOW , MEDIUM , HIGH , or HIGHEST .
In addition to the ProviderPriority , a provider is selected by taking into
account an ExecutionStrategy . This enables you to specify an order during
execution of a given IOperation , which complements the priority. Table 10-4
includes each strategy that the ExecutionStrategy enumeration defines and
its meaning to the Service .
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