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1.5.5 Generative Modeling Technologies
Essentially a top-level project itself, GMT is a project within the Modeling proj-
ect that holds a wide range of research-focused components that deal with mod-
eling and model-driven software-development technologies. The GMT project
serves as an incubator for the Modeling project, where components are free to
exit GMT and become Modeling projects on their own or can be added to
another Modeling project.
For example, the Xpand template engine described in this topic originated
with the openArchitectureWare component within GMT but has graduated to
the M2T project. ATL is a model-to-model transformation technology that has
graduated to the M2M project. Similarly, TCS and Xtext are two GMT compo-
nents that form the basis of the new TMF project. This topic does not cover the
individual components within GMT; visit the GMT project home page at to learn more.
1.5.6 Amalgamation
The Modeling Amalgamation Project (Amalgam, for short) was recently added
to Modeling to provide a set of modeling-specific packages to ease download and
installation. These packages enable the user to avoid a series of updates because
Modeling components are fine-grained and maintained on many separate down-
load pages and update sites. Amalgam is also chartered to provide some common
user interface (UI) elements and integrations that would not otherwise be appro-
priately maintained in another project. The examples from this topic are avail-
able from Amalgam because they span a range of project capabilities. In fact, the
DSL Toolkit download from Amalgam is specifically configured to be used in the
context of this topic's examples, which you can extract into the Toolsmith's
workspace as samples.
1.5.7 Project Interaction
As an Eclipse open source project, the Modeling project operates under the
process and guidelines outlined by the Eclipse Foundation. Modeling projects
have contributors from a wide range of organizations, including commercial
enterprises, academic organizations, and individuals. You can interact with proj-
ects at Eclipse in many ways, but you should keep some important things in
mind. First, newsgroups are typically your best source of information, and you
should search them before posting a new question. Using a good newsgroup
reader that has no limits on the amount of history that it maintains locally is
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