Java Reference
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to establish the hierarchy of EditPart s. This is done so that an EditPart can
navigate this hierarchy, if required—for example, when it needs to obtain its
viewer to access its EditPart registry.
Along with setting the parent of an EditPart during addChild() , its
Figure is created by a call to addChildVisual() . Actually, the default imple-
mentation in AbstractGraphicalEditPart calls getFigure() , which calls
the createFigure() method. Your EditPart must implement this abstract
To refresh itself for the first time following its addition to the parent
EditPart , the addNotify() method is invoked. The default behavior of
addNotify( ) performs the following:
Registers its model in the EditPartViewer 's EditPart registry so that
EditPart s can find other EditParts .
Registers its figure in the EditPartViewer 's visual part registry (used for
hit testing).
Registers the EditPart for accessibility, if applicable.
Creates the EditPolicies it needs by invoking createEditPolicies() ,
which is abstract and requires implementation by your EditPart . In
turn, the EditPart.installEditPolicy() method is invoked, passing
required EditPolicies and their role.
Invokes addNotify() on its children and then invokes refresh() . The
default implementation of refresh() invokes refreshVisuals() and
refreshChildren() . As you saw earlier in the refreshVisuals()
implementation in LogicEditPart , this method is intended to be overrid-
den by your EditPart because the default implementation does nothing.
The refreshChildren() method is the opposite: The default implemen-
tation should not be overridden and can be computationally expensive.
Therefore, it should be invoked only when required. Following is the API
documentation, to provide more detail on this method and its use.
The final act of addNotify() is to register the EditPart as the source
or target of connections using overridden getSourceConnections()
and getTargetConnections() , respectively, as applicable.
The AbstractEditPart.refreshChildren() method updates its child
EditPart s so that they are in sync with their model elements. This method is
called from refresh() and can also be called upon notification from the model.
Take care when calling this method; it can be a performance hit. When possible,
call removeChild(EditPart) and addChild(EditPart, int) instead.
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