Java Reference
In-Depth Information
You won't go this far in the sample projects, but consider adding several
other artwork items to your Eclipse-based product. Welcome pages, splash
images, about dialog images, and more are all possibilities. Look to the branding
topic in the Eclipse help system to find out more information on providing addi-
tional polish to your application.
8.1.2 Developing a User Interface Plug-In
We've tested our diagrams in the runtime workbench and our transformations in
the development workbench using dynamic instance models. Now we can create
an org.eclipse.requirements.ui plug-in that will give us a place to define
a Requirements perspective, a project wizard, and the actions and object contri-
butions we need to allow Practitioners to invoke them on their artifacts.
Wizard and Perspective
Using the New
Plug-in Project wizard, create an empty org.eclipse.
requirements.ui plug-in in your workspace. In the Extensions page of the
plug-in manifest editor, create a new contribution to the org.eclipse.
ui.newWizards extension-point. Add a category to this contribution with an
ID of org.eclipse.requirements.wizards.category . We use this ID
later to unite our generated editor wizards under a common category in the New
dialog. Now add the wizard element and name it Requirements Project
Wizard with an ID of .
Complete the rest of the contribution to match the following—note that it spec-
ifies a Requirements perspective that we define next.
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