Java Reference
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illustrate its use. The following is a basic Xpand template that creates the output
HTML report from a test requirements model. As we reference the scenario
reference from our requirements, we need to link a source folder so that Xpand
can resolve the reference. This is done in the project properties, as shown in
Figure 7-4.
Figure 7-4
Edit Source Folder dialog
« IMPORT requirements»
« DEFINE Main FOR Model»
« FILE (title == null ? "requirements" : title) + ".html"»
<h1>«title» Report</h1>
« EXPAND index FOR this-»
« EXPAND groupContent FOREACH groups-»
« DEFINE index FOR Model-»
<ul>« EXPAND groupIndex FOREACH groups-»</ul>
« DEFINE groupIndex FOR RequirementGroup»
<li><a href="#group«id»">«name-»</a></li>
« IF !requirements.isEmpty-»
<ul>« EXPAND requirementIndex FOREACH requirements-»</ul>
« IF !children.isEmpty-»
<ul>« EXPAND groupIndex FOREACH children-»</ul>
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