Java Reference
In-Depth Information
fqn := + '.' + fqn;
pkg := pkg._package;
return fqn;
Figure 6-21 is a sample output model for our test input model. What's strik-
ing is the size of the model, which seems quite disproportionate, compared to the
concrete syntax of what we'll produce using our Xpand templates. Nevertheless,
it took little time to produce from our business model and will provide straight-
forward transformation to Java compilation units, as shown in Section 7.3.1,
“Using Java Model and Dedicated Template.”
Figure 6-21
Transformation JEM output model
6.10 Summary
In this chapter, we took a look at the functionality provided by the QVT OML
implementation provided by the Eclipse M2M project. We saw some of the more
popular use cases for M2M, leaving M2Ts using the Xpand component of the
Eclipse M2T project for the next chapter.
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