Java Reference
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source := object java::Statement {
source := 'this.' + self .name + ' = ' + self .name + ';';
* Creates method from operation
* TODO: handle parameters
mapping oocore::Operation::toMethod() : java::Method {
name := self .name;
eType := self .type. map toClass();
javaVisibility := self .visibility.toVisibility();
source := object java::Block {
contents += object java::Comment {
source := 'TODO: Implement this method';
contents += self .type. map toReturnStatement();
* Creates default return statement for method
mapping oocore::Classifier::toReturnStatement() : java::Statement {
init {
var statement : String := null ;
switch {
( self . oclIsUndefined ()) ? statement := '';
( self . oclIsKindOf (oocore::Class)) ? statement := 'return null;';
( self . oclIsTypeOf (oocore::Datatype)) ? statement := 'return ' +
self . oclAsType (oocore::Datatype).defaultLiteral + ';';
else ? assert fatal ( false ) with log ('No return type found',
self );
source := statement;
* Creates class and packaging with 'library' annotation
mapping String ::toClass() : java::JavaClass {
init {
var segment : String := null ;
var pkg : java::JavaPackage := null ;
var parentPkg : java::JavaPackage := null ;
var pos : Integer := 1;
while ( self .indexOf('.', pos) <> -1) {
segment := self .substring(pos, self .indexOf('.', pos));
pos := self .indexOf('.', pos) + 2;
pkg := segment. map toPackage();
if parentPkg = null then {
parentPkg := pkg;
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