Java Reference
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protected void setForegroundColor(
color) {
Moving on to the preference page templates, we find the original
AppearancePreferencePage.xpt template in /templates/xpt/diagram/
preferences . We need to override this template, along with
PreferenceInitializer.xpt , because they were apparently not created
with extensibility in mind, as was the case with the NodeEditPart.xpt
template. This means that we simply copy these two templates into our own
/templates-diagram/xpt/diagram/preferences folder and modify them
to suit our needs. Most of the changes required for the preference page code is
straightforward copy and paste from our earlier handcrafted code, so we don't
repeat it here. However, we do need to explore how GMF deals with globaliza-
tion because we need to add referenced elements to our generated Messages class
and file. Looking at the template files, we find an
Externalizer.xpt template in the /templates/xpt folder in the generator
plug-in. The Externalizer template provides a centralized means by which to gen-
erate the Messages class and properties file. The template is organized in two
main definition blocks, as shown here. Basically, GMF convention is to declare
an i18nAccessors and i18nValues definition in templates that require local-
ization and invoke them from the Fields and Values definitions, respectively.
« DEFINE Fields FOR gmfgen::GenEditorGenerator»
« EXPAND xpt::editor::CreateShortcutAction::i18nAccessors FOR diagram-»
« EXPAND xpt::editor::CreationWizard::i18nAccessors FOR diagram-»
« EXPAND xpt::editor::CreationWizardPage::i18nAccessors FOR diagram-»
. . .
« DEFINE Values FOR gmfgen::GenEditorGenerator»
« EXPAND xpt::editor::CreateShortcutAction::i18nValues FOR diagram-»
« EXPAND xpt::editor::CreationWizard::i18nValues FOR diagram-»
« EXPAND xpt::editor::CreationWizardPage::i18nValues FOR diagram-»
. . .
We follow suit with our properties preference page by defining similar blocks
for invocation by our overridden Externalizer.xpt template. First, we take a
look at the externalizer, which is placed in our /templates-diagram/
aspects/xpt directory.
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