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getPreferenceColor() . All that's left to do is test the functionality and then
move on to templatizing the code changes. One improvement might be to restrict
the color ranges for each archetype so that they still maintain their pink, yellow,
green, or blue essence.
We begin our GMF diagram template spelunking in the /templates direc-
tory of the imported org.eclipse.gmf.codegen plug-in. We notice right away
that there are three editparts directories: one under /templates/diagram , one
under /templates/impl/diagram , and one under /templates/xpt/dia-
gram . The last one is a legacy structure and should be ignored in favor of the
/templates/impl pattern to distinguish published API vs. non-API templates.
Looking into each and finding a NodeEditPart.xpt template in the first two,
we open each to see the differences. In the /templates/diagram/
editparts/NodeEditPart.xpt template, we see that it delegates to the
/templates/impl/diagram/editparts/NodeEditPart.xpt template for
generation of the class content. What interests us most, however, is the «EXPAND
additions-» expansion near the end of the class. All we need to do is add the
code listed earlier to our archetype EditPart classes, so this looks like a prom-
ising place to start. In fact, this expansion was designed for Toolsmiths to use for
customizing the generated code, and you'll find many of them in the GMF tem-
plates. The corresponding «DEFINE» block appears at the bottom of the
template and is listed here:
« DEFINE additions FOR gmfgen::GenNode-»
If you need additional extensibility in GMF templates, open a bug to request
the change be made.
We need to create a NodeEditPart.xpt template file in our org.
eclipse.dsl.dnc project in a /templates/aspects/diagram/editparts
folder. Again, we conform to the GMF convention of aspect template placement
so that the generator will invoke our template. We place an «AROUND» block at
the top of the template, as follows:
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