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And these are the additions we made to the file:
AppearancePreferencePage_archetypeColorGroup_label=Archetype colors
Pinks (moment-interval, mi-detail):
AppearancePreferencePage_yellowArchetypeColor_label=Yellows (role):
Greens (party, place, thing):
AppearancePreferencePage_blueArchetypeColor_label=Blues (description):
AppearancePreferencePage_grayArchetypeColor_label=Plug-in point:
At this point, we can launch our diagram and see the properties in action,
although they have no effect on the diagram because they're not incorporated
into our EditPart code yet. Again, using black-and-white images does little to
illustrate the use of color modeling, as seen in Figure 4-46.
Figure 4-46
Archetype color preferences
Turning finally to our EditPart code, we use MomentIntervalEditPart
as our testbed. Adding the following code makes our preferences-based color
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