Java Reference
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As we mentioned earlier, the lowering cost of high-resolution monitors has
made diagramming much more palatable than even a few years ago.
Similarly, the lowering cost of high-resolution color printers will hopefully
encourage more use of color and eliminate redundant visual hints, such as
the earlier stereotype labels. Just recall the advice on the use of color:
Using too many colors is often worse than using none at all.
Now we need to generate this additional code for our archetype figures. We
can leverage GMF's capability to customize the templates for figure code gener-
ation. In case you've missed it each time, the dialog presented when transform-
ing mapping to generator model has a “Provisional” section that gives us the
field to enter the path to our custom templates, as seen in Figure 4-45.
When using the “provisional” custom figures template feature, be aware
that the field will not remember individual . gmfmap file settings.When you
enter a path to custom templates in this field, it is applied to all
mapping generator model transformations.
Figure 4-45
Create Generator Model dialog
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