Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure Descriptor DashedLineConnection
Diagram Label
Figure Descriptor AnnotationFigure
Child Access getFigureName
Element Icon
Notice again the use of the Figure Ref element. This time, we reuse the
stereotype area and name area from our Archetype figure, but we list in reverse
order because we want our Annotation to have a stereotype-like label at the top
of the rectangle, with an area for the key and value below. As you can see, we
chose a dashed line for the link to the annotation as well as for the rectangle out-
line. This lightens the appearance of the note, enabling us to focus on the anno-
tation key and value, not to mention the color archetypes, which are the main
focus points of the diagram overall.
This completes our initial graphical definition for the color modeling dia-
gram. Next, we look at the palette definition.
4.6.2 Tooling Definition
Begin by creating a new dnc.gmftool model in the /diagrams folder using the
provided wizard. You can use the Tooling Definition Model Wizard , as before,
which enables you to derive tooling from the domain model. Or as in the graph-
ical definition wizard, simply skipping the domain model selection pages results
in an empty new model.
For the palette of our color modeling diagram, we group archetypes together
and then stack the moment interval and moment interval detail within the group.
We also stack our three “green” archetypes: party, place, and thing. You'll find
plug-in points and the package tool in this first tool group because they are main
diagram nodes. Attributes and operations are listed next in their own group, fol-
lowed by a group containing our association, aggregation, and generalization
links. The most infrequently used tools are contained in the last group, where we
put the annotation node and link. Figure 4-43 shows the palette definition next
to an image of the palette itself.
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