Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 4-26
Requirement description Properties tab
One thing about the Properties view that we notice in our generated GMF
diagrams is that the Properties view cannot handle the selection of multiple dia-
gram elements. For example, try selecting multiple topics in our Mindmap
diagram or selecting multiple requirements in our Requirement diagram. The
Core tab of the Properties view goes blank. To resolve this, open the
RequirementsPropertySection class in our requirements diagram. It's
located in the org.eclipse.requirements.diagram.sheet package. To
enable multiselection, we need to have the getPropertySource() method
return an instance of EMFCompositePropertySource instead of the generated
PropertySource default. This is the method showing the change:
* Modified to allow for multiselection
* @generated NOT
public IPropertySource getPropertySource(Object object) {
if (object instanceof IPropertySource) {
return (IPropertySource) object;
AdapterFactory af = getAdapterFactory(object);
if (af != null) {
IItemPropertySource ips = (IItemPropertySource) af.adapt(object,
if (ips != null) {
return new EMFCompositePropertySource (object, ips ,
"Requirements" );
if (object instanceof IAdaptable) {
return (IPropertySource) ((IAdaptable)
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