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resource set using the Runtime Version , and we create a new reference to our
ToolTip class named textAttribute of type EAttribute .
In our requirements.gmfgen model, navigate to the Gen Top Level
Node RequirementEditPart element and add a new child Custom Behaviour
element. It's a simple element, with just Key and Edit Policy Qualified
Class Name properties, which we set to "TooltipPolicy" (the quotation
marks are required) and org.eclipse.requirements.diagram.edit.
policies.RequirementsTooltipEditPolicy , respectively. The parameter
used to install an EditPolicy is a String, which typically comes from constants
defined in either the GMF runtime's EditPolicyRoles interface or GEF's
EditPolicy interface. Look at the policy roles defined here before you create
your own. If you reuse a defined constant, you don't need to wrap it in quotes.
Next, we need to create a Dynamic Instance of our ToolTip model for use in
generating our custom EditPolicy . This is much more convenient than the
alternative, which is to create a tooltip.gen model and generate model code,
followed by deploying that model into the environment. From the Ecore editor,
we right-click our Tooltip element and select Create Dynamic Instance and
select our /diagrams folder for the new Tooltip.xmi model. In the Sample
Reflective Ecore Model Editor , use Load Resource to load our requirements.
genmodel from the workspace. Now we can select the Custom Behaviour ele-
ment that we added previously for our Editpolicy property. This is where the
option of using the Runtime Version in our loading of the GMF GenModel
earlier becomes important, for if we left the reference as platform:/plugin ...,
we would not have seen our Custom Behaviour element in the list.
Finally, set the textAttribute property of our Tooltip instance to the
title:EString attribute of our Requirements class, which was loaded into the
resource set when we loaded the requirements.gmfgen model.
When selecting the title:EString attribute for our textAttribute
reference, we had to select it from a large list of possibilities in the
Properties view, several of which had the required name:Type but with
no indication that it was from our Requirements class. First, to narrow the
list, type title into the field to filter the possibilities. Second, verify that
the proper element was selected by opening the model in a text editor.
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