Java Reference
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myRadius = Math.abs(radius);
bounds = null ;
public void setLineWidth( int width) {
super .setLineWidth(width);
public Rectangle getBounds() {
if (bounds == null ) {
int diameter = myRadius * 2;
bounds = new Rectangle(myCenter.x - myRadius,
myCenter.y - myRadius, diameter, diameter);
bounds.expand(lineWidth / 2, lineWidth / 2);
return bounds;
public void setLocation(Point p) {
if (myCenter.equals(p)) {
return ;
bounds = null ;
public void setReferencePoint(Point p) {
// ignore, does not make sense to rotate circle
To use this figure, we'll create a new Custom Decoration in our figure
gallery named CircleDecoration with a Qualified Class Name of org.
eclipse.mindmap.diagram.figures.CircleDecoration . In the Source
Decoration property of our TopicSubtopicsFigure , we'll select this deco-
rator and then regenerate our mindmap.gmfgen model from our mindmap.
gmfmap file.
Adding a Subtopic Action
Adding new subtopics to our mindmap is not very convenient right now. The
mouse and palette are required to first create a Topic and then a connection,
seriously impeding our “brainstorming” ability. We want to use the keyboard as
much as possible to add and insert new Topic elements. Adding keyboard short-
cuts and menu items to elements involves straightforward Eclipse platform code
that we can add to our customization plug-in. Note that here we don't use the
contributionItemProviders extension-point that the runtime provides
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