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ciated with specific states or transitions. We can use such information to evaluate
individual state reliability as well as overall system reliability, to extrapolate system
reliability to different environments, and to identify high risk (low reliability) areas
for focused reliability improvement.
5 . 5 I n t e r n a l V a l i d a t i o n v i a C r o s s - R e f e r e n c e C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n
To validate the soundness of our integrated testing strategy above and its various
decisions, we examined the cross-references recorded in the access log for the official
pages of SMU/SEAS. The results are plotted in Fig. 9 , which can be considered as
a specific CPR introduced earlier in this section. As discussed in Section 4 , embed-
ded links in official pages are the primary responsibilities of the web site hosts, and
consequently the focus of our study and the object of our analysis here. The sorted
names of individual official pages are used as indexes in Fig. 9 . Each point repre-
sents a cross-reference from a specific page indexed by its x -axis value to another
F IG . 9. Cross-references for sorted individual web pages.
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