Geography Reference
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considered 'rebels' by the British - were skilled combatants and creative strategists, but were
eventually overcome by the weight of superior numbers and firepower.
This map depicts an incident that took place on 11 February 1864, during the Waikato War.
Maori forces launched a surprise attack on some British troops who were bathing at a ford in
the Mangapiko Stream (shown at lower right). The Maori position is marked with dark blue
dots in the scrub inside the curve of the stream. Reinforcements were called in - the great
Maori fortress of Paterangi (at top left) and a British camp (at left) were both nearby - and
soon several hundred men were fighting on each side. Six British soldiers and about 28 Maori
were killed.
Although this was not a major battle, it was brought to wider notice because of the actions
of Charles Heaphy, a major in the Auckland Militia. He rescued an injured soldier under in-
tense fire - so heavy that 'Five balls pierced his clothes and cap' - and continued to help
wounded men, despite being badly hurt himself. As a result of his actions, Heaphy was awar-
ded the Victoria Cross, the highest gallantry medal for members of the British armed services.
He was both the first colonial soldier and the first non-regular soldier to earn this honour.
This and another map, both drawn by Heaphy himself, were included in a dossier of evidence
submitted to the War Office in support of his claim to the medal.
Heaphy's father, Thomas, was a talented painter who had served the Duke of Wellington
as an artist during the Peninsular War. Charles also trained as an artist himself, at the Royal
Academy in London. In 1839, aged about nineteen, he became a draughtsman working for
the New Zealand Company, which set out to colonise those islands. For much of his career,
he worked for the colonial government in various roles connected to land administration, in-
cluding the surveying of lands taken from Maori after the wars. He also served for a time
as a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives and as a judge in the Native
Lands Court. Heaphy's official career, however, was undistinguished compared to his artistic
achievements, and he is best remembered for his fine topographical views. This beautifully
drawn map reflects his skill as a draughtsman no less than his bravery as a soldier.
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