HTML and CSS Reference
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lineTo( x , y )
Draw a line from the current Canvas “cursor” location to the ( x , y ) location speci-
translate( x , y )
Allows you to set a new “origin” for the Canvas, from which x - and y -coordinates
are measured. By default, the Canvas origin is its top-left corner, but to simplify
the graphing calculator code, it will be helpful to relocate the Canvas origin to
coincide with the coordinate-plane origin at the center of the grid.
Here's the drawGrid() function for creating the coordinate grid on the Canvas:
function drawGrid() {
var i = 0;
axis_pos = 1;
can_width = theCanvas.width; // Get the width of the canvas
// Loop through and draw horizontal/vertical lines at each eighth of the grid
// All logic below presumes canvas has square dimensions
for (i=0;i<=can_width;i+=(can_width)/8)
if (i == (can_width)/2) // Special handling for horiz/vert axes
context.lineWidth = 3; // Axes are thicker...
context.strokeStyle = 'red'; //... and in red
context.lineWidth = 1;
context.strokeStyle = 'black';
// First draw horizontal line
context.moveTo(i, 0);
context.lineTo(i, can_width);
// Then draw vertical line
context.moveTo(0, i);
context.lineTo(can_width, i);
// Then add axis number labels
context.font = '20px _sans';
context.textBaseline = 'top';
// Move canvas origin to center of grid
context.translate(can_width / 2, can_width / 2);
for (i=-3;i<=3;i++) {
if (i != 0) { // Skip labeling origin
// horizontal label
context.fillText (i, i*(can_width/8) + 5, 5);
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