Travel Reference
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Crepitant: Producing crackling sounds or having a crackling sensation.
Cricothyroid: Area between the thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple) and the large cartilagin-
ous ring (cricoid cartilage) just below.
Cricothyrotomy: A surgical opening in the cricothyroid membrane that allows air to
enter the trachea; created when the airway above that site is obstructed.
Cyanosis: A purple or bluish discoloration of the lips, nails, and skin that typically results
from reduced oxygen in the blood.
Cystitis: An inflammatory disorder of the urinary bladder.
Debridement: Removal of foreign material and dead tissue from a wound.
Dehydration: Loss of excessive quantities of (body) water.
Delirium: A state of temporary mental confusion and clouded consciousness character-
ized by anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, delusions, and incoherence.
Diabetes mellitus or diabetes: A disorder of glucose metabolism that results in increased
urinary output, glucose (sugar) in the urine, a tendency to develop severe infections,
and other disorders, including accelerated arteriosclerosis and renal failure.
Diagnose: To distinguish one disease or injury from another; to identify an illness or in-
Diagnosis: Identification of an illness or injury.
Dissociation: Separation of related psychologic activities into autonomously functioning
units, as in the generation of multiple personalities (abnormal), or shutting out the
emotional aspects of an injury scene while concentrating on the measures necessary
to carry out a rescue (normal).
Dysentery: A bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract that results in diarrhea, mu-
cus and pus in the stools, and fever.
Dysmenorrhea: Painful cramps associated with menstruation.
Dyspnea: Abnormal shortness of breath; awareness of the need to breathe.
Edema: An abnormal collection of fluid within body tissue; pulmonary edema is fluid
within the lungs.
Electrocardiogram: A recording of the electrical activity of the heart.
Electrolyte: One of the four major ions, sodium, potassium, chloride, or bicarbonate
(HCO 3 ) in serum.
Embolism: Sudden obstruction of a blood vessel by an embolus, often resulting in death
of the tissue supplied by that vessel.
Embolus: A clot or similar tissue carried by the bloodstream from a peripheral site, such
as a leg vein, through larger, more proximal vessels and the heart, until it is forced in-
to a smaller artery, usually in the lung.
Encephalitis: An infection of the brain, most commonly caused by a virus, and often
spread by mosquitoes.
Endemic: Peculiar to or prevailing in or among a (specified) country or people.
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