Travel Reference
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Abrasion: A wound of the skin—and sometimes the underlying tissue—caused by scrap-
ing or rubbing.
Abscess: A localized collection of pus caused by infection and inflammation that destroy
tissue. (Pimples and boils are small abscesses in the skin.)
Acute: 1. Appearing after or persisting for a relatively brief period of time. (Does not in-
dicate a specific time interval, but a short period of time in relation to the condition for
which it is used. An acute onset would be minutes for some disorders, weeks for oth-
ers.) 2. Requiring immediate or urgent attention.
Aerosinusitis: A painful condition of the paranasal sinuses produced by a rapid increase in
external pressure (due to water submersion or a rapid descent from altitude) while the
openings into the sinuses are closed and the pressure within the sinuses remains lower
than external pressure.
Aerotitis: A painful condition of the middle ear, similar to aerosinusitis but produced by
pressure changes while the eustachian tube is closed.
Airway: Passages through which air enters and leaves the lungs.
Alveoli: The smallest functional units of the lungs.
Analgesia: Relief of pain.
Analgesic: A medication that relieves pain.
Anemia: A reduced number of red blood cells in the circulating blood.
Aneurysm: A localized dilatation of an artery that can rupture and hemorrhage. Caused by
weakening of the arterial wall.
Angina pectoris: Crushing or squeezing chest pain caused by a reduction in coronary
artery blood flow due to arteriosclerosis.
Anoxia: Total absence of oxygen.
Arrhythmia: An abnormal rhythm, usually referring to the heartbeat.
Arteriosclerosis: A disease of arteries characterized by deposits of material that narrows
the lumens (most significantly) and also stiffens or “hardens” the arterial walls.
Aspirate: To inspire (air is aspirated into the lungs); to draw in by suction (fluid is aspir-
ated into a syringe).
Asthma: A disorder, typically allergic in origin, characterized by respiratory difficulty and
caused by spasm of the muscle in small bronchioles that narrows their lumens.
Ataxia: Loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement.
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