Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
• Knowledge base editing subsystem;
“Methods of expert review”) by a speciied
type of reviewed document;
• Obtaining of statistical data by results
of earlier executed expert reviews (form
Chapter 7 “Results of NRS expert review
of the NPP I&C systems”) for a speciied
type of I&C system and document substan-
tiating safety;
Interface subsystem;
Reference subsystem.
Software of the ASSEA is a complex of low
level tools to work with each separate database
including in the knowledge base on the NPP I&C
systems. Furthermore, software of the ASSEA
includes high level tools to work with the knowl-
edge base in a whole and to run low level utilities.
Software shell of the ASSEA should provide
possibility both to perform centralized search
of required information in the whole knowledge
base and operations separately with each specific
chapters of the knowledge base. It is also supposed
that the ASSEA should allow not only performing
navigation and search of required information in
the knowledge base, but also provide automation
of some standard procedures that are currently, in
fact, are performed by experts “manually”:
Composition of preliminary sample of fu-
ture report of expert review on the basis of
selected information.
All complex of considered tools and databases
is a fully functional software product for manage-
ment and use of the knowledge base on the NPP
I&C systems during expert and research and
development activities.
Subsystem of making-decision support in-
cludes the following modules.
1. Module of forming of regulatory profile.
Selection of required regulatory docu-
ments (from Chapter 1 “Standards, rules
and guides”) by a speciied type of I&C
system and document;
This module according to a specified type of
I&C system and document, substantiating safety,
allows performing automated selection of regu-
latory documents and regulatory requirements,
compliance with which is assessed during the
expert review of NPP I&C system.
Selection of analyzed regulatory require-
ments (from Chapter 2 “Regulatory re-
quirements”) by a speciied type of I&C
system and document;
Selection of earlier executed expert reviews
(from Chapter 3 “Reports of NRS expert
reviews”) by a speciied I&C system;
2. Module of documents circulation.
This module allows keeping records of all
documents related to expert review of NPP I&C
systems. Due to this module consecutive record-
ing of incoming documents (letters, documents
submitted for expert review, additional documents,
inquires etc.), internal documents (order of expert
review implementation, records of expert council
meeting), contract documentation and outgoing
documents (letters, reports, records on incorpo-
ration of review comments, draft conclusions on
expert review results etc.) is provided.
Selection of systems information (from
chapter 4 “new and modernized npp i&c
systems”) by a speciied I&C system;
Selection of documents of enterprise-de-
signer and NPP related to the system (from
Chapter 5 “Documents from designers and
NPP”) by a speciied I&C system;
Selection of document assessment
and analysis methods (from Chapter 6
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