Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 10
Rod Group and Individual
Control System
Yuri Rozen
State Scientiic and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, Ukraine
Alexander Siora
Research and Production Corporation Radiy, Ukraine
Chapter 10 considers the Rod Group and Individual Control (RG&IC) system, which is one of the in-
dividual I&C systems and a part of the reactor control and protection system. RG&IC is an actuation
system, which performs functions initiated by emergency and preventive reactor protection, reactor power
control, unloading, limitation and accelerated preventive protection, and remote control rod position
commands sent by the power unit personnel. The central part of RG&IC system consists of software-
hardware complex SHC RG&IC-R based on the equipment family of the Research and Production
Corporation “Radiy” (RADIY PLATFORM - see Chapter 1). The RG&IC system combines functions
that belong to A and B categories according to safety impact (IEC, 2009), relates to safety class 2(A)
and complies with the fundamental safety principles (IAEA, 1999), requirements that are set forth in
international standards (IAEA, 2002, 2012; IEC, 2011), and Ukrainian nuclear safety rules and regula-
tions (NP, 2000, 2008a, 2008b).
Preservation of the rod group and individ-
ual control functional purpose, algorithms,
priorities of control functions and perfor-
mance principles of control rod drives pro-
vided by the operational system;
Modernization of rod group and individual control
(RG&IC) systems at Ukrainian NPPs provides the
replacement of out-of-date equipment of the cen-
tral part with new software-hardware complexes,
which are designed basing on positive domestic
and foreign experience in compliance with the
following main provisions:
Preservation of the peripheral equipment
(sensors of control rod position and control
rod drives) used in the operational system;
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