Environmental Engineering Reference
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Chapter 1 and Figure 5), which besides control
functions also execute informational functions of
monitoring, display, alarm, archiving and registra-
tion independently from CIS.
Reactor island normal operation systems and
turbine island normal operation systems support
specified values of power unit technological pa-
rameters. Pressure in the primary circuit, pressure
drops on main circulation pumps sealed, pressures
and levels in make-up-blowdown deaerators and
boron regulation, the coolant level in the pressur-
izer, temperature difference of the primary circuit
and pressurizer in a planned heating and cooling
mode, etc. are regulated in the reactor island. Main
and start-up level regulators in steam generators,
steam pressure regulators in deaerators, level
regulators in the turbine condenser, in reheaters
of low and high pressure, productivity of turbine
feedwater pumps, etc. are provided in the turbine
According to the design, automatic regulators
were implemented on the basis of general industrial
equipment families, which besides nuclear power
engineering were also used at thermal power sta-
tions, in chemistry, metallurgy and other industry
branches. In the process of modernization, these
regulators were changed by software-hardware
complexes, implemented on the basis of RADIY
Additionally to regulation of technological pa-
rameters, SHC normal operation systems perform:
• Power supply to sensors, reception and pri-
mary processing of signals from sensors.
• Remote control of technological equipment.
• Interlocking of regulators and control
• Archiving, display, preparation and trans-
mission of information about technological
parameters, state of sensors and actuators,
interlocking actuation, etc. into CIS.
In 1986 application of the first microproces-
sor regulating systems (automatic turbine control
systems АSUT-1000-2) was started at Ukrainian
NPPs. The system performed monitoring and au-
tomatic digital control during start-up, functioning
in operating modes and shutdown of a turbine, also
providing operational personnel with a possibil-
ity of a remote turbine control from MCR. In the
modernization process, this system was substituted
by a new software-hardware complex of turbine
control system (Figure 6) on a set of power units.
At South-Ukrainian NPP, feedwater level
control systems in steam generators, implement-
ed according to the design on the basis of gen-
eral industrial equipment family, were substituted
during modernization by a new steam generator
level and feedwater control system (developer and
manufacturer - Westinghouse Energy Europe in
partnership with “Westron” Corporation).
Besides systems shown in Figure 3, the overall
unit I&C system of the power unit with WWER-
1000 reactor also contains other safety related
I&C systems, including:
Figure 5. Part of software-hardware complex of
engineered safety features actuation system on
the base of RADIY PLATFORM
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