Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
The main features peculiar to the strategy
of operators are the following:
modiied to include new functions,
e.g. control of primary-to-secondary
leakage accidents.
◦ Modernizations can be related to the
central part of a system or to a sys-
tem as a whole, together with sen-
sors, cables, actuators. In the begin-
ning of this stage modernizations
involved only central-part of systems.
(as a rule, computer-based). In re-
cent times, replacement of cables and
sensors is included into the scope of
◦ Extensive I&C modernization took
place before unit life extension. NPP
paid special attention to these actions
and assigned resources for unit life
extension, including replacements
of old I&C systems. The Regulatory
Authority requested these replace-
ments from the NPP to receive a li-
cense for unit life extension. Some of
I&C systems, which were modern-
ized to obtain approval for unit life
extension, is shown in Table 1.
◦ Most modernizations take place dur-
ing shutdown for refueling. This time
is limited, and in some cabinets the
shutdown period is insuicient for
modernization. In these cabinets,
modernization is implemented in
2 or 3 stages (examples: complete
modernization of the unit computer
information system or neutron lux
monitoring system). The presence
of several stages required additional
activities to ensure the compatibility
between modernized and non-mod-
ernized parts of the systems.
◦ All I&C modernizations can be divid-
ed into pilot (modernizations imple-
mented for the irst time at NPP with
speciic reactor type) and replicated
(modernizations implemented before
at a speciic NPP type in Ukraine and
showed positive results). Of course,
use of replicated systems is prefer-
able in terms of safety justiication
and cost for acquisition of systems.
The scope of licensing actions for
replicated modernizations is substan-
tially smaller than for pilots. A spe-
ciic stage in the implementation of a
pilot system is its trial operation with
extensive support from the designer
and prompt feedback from the NPP
to the designer, involving analysis of
all failures, faults or NPP personnel
◦ Most modernizations used exist-
ing technological algorithms, which
were proven by long-term operation
of power units in Ukraine, Russia and
other countries. The algorithms were
The main features peculiar to the strategy of
designers are the following:
• Use of an aggregate of hardware, software
and service apparatus called hardware-
software complex (HSC) as the central part
of systems (see Chapter 1)
• Ukrainian Research and production
Corporation “Radiy” pioneered the appli-
cation of ield programmable gate array
(FPGA) for performance of safety func-
tions (reactor protection systems, engineer-
ing safety features actuation system, etc.).
Since 2004, more than 40 FPGA-based
systems have been installed at Ukrainian
NPPs. IAEA Independent Engineering
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