Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 26. Diagrams of failures of one-version (a), two-version (b, c) and three-version (d, e) systems
d. 2-level analysis procedure is used for
types and subtypes of the diversity
(attribute and criteria).
e. Weight of attribute depends on rate
of application of the diversity type in
f. Metric is non-normalized.
g. Acceptable value of diversity metric
equals 1.0.
2. Assessment procedure consists of the fol-
lowing stages:
a. An expert analyzes design and fills
assessment table (X (i) or No).
b. Diversi ty metr ic is calculated
c. An expert makes decision “accepted/
not accepted.”
Diversity Assessment Techniques
To analyse diversity assessment techniques it
is needed to describe their basic principles and
procedures. Further three techniques are analysed:
NUREG-A technique:
1. Features of NUREG-based assessment
technique are the following:
a. It is based on a diversity classification
described in (NUREG/CR-6303, 1994,
NUREG/CR-7007, 2009).
b. It allows to fulfill metric-based assess-
ment of two-version systems.
c. Diversity is assessed using a value Yes
or No (if Yes, there are to subvalues:
INT = intentional (X), INH = inherent
(i): if Altera (diversity of chip), hence
Quartus (diversity of tools)).
The described technique allows assessing level
of diversity using general metrics; values of met-
rics are determined in advance. But this technique
does not permit to calculate safety indicators of
MVS safety.
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