Environmental Engineering Reference
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Results of execution of the informational tools
are databases of profile-like documents, metrics,
models, expert examinations; normative profiles;
standardized plans of the verification and its
evaluation; completed templates (questionnaires).
The questionnaires and templates are used to
run individual procedures of the expert examina-
tion and verification in accordance with chosen
Analytical tools are intended for carrying out
direct analysis of software and to evaluate confor-
mity of the verified (expert analyzed) software to
established requirements, reliability of verification
and expert examination and are automatic local
tools that are both intelligent (combined) and non-
intelligent, which support primarily verification
and expert examination of products.
Analytical tools support:
selection and rating of metrics, measures and
models of software reliability; analysis of the
fulfillment of requirements for expert analyzed
software; evaluation of characteristics of reliabil-
ity, completeness and resources for carrying out
independent verification and expert examination.
Organizational support tools are intended for
planning, organizing and controlling the process of
independent verification and expert examination
and are automated or manual, local or composite
tools of the non-intelligent type, which support
verification and expert examination of processes
and products.
Tools of this kind use as initial information
normative documents; design documentation;
data and results of running information and ana-
lytical tools.
Organizational support tools provide:
1. Verification of normative profiles (com-
pleteness, correctness and consistency of
the general requirements) of the software
designs being developed and analyzed by
2. Statistical analysis of software.
3. Dynamic testing of software.
4. Selection and rating of metrics and reliability
measures (quality) of software.
5. Selection and verification of software reli-
ability models.
6. Analysis of the fulfillment of general and
functional requirements for expert analyzed
7. Analysis of the reliability and safety of
software based on standardized methods.
8. Evaluation of the completeness, reliability
and other characteristics of independent
verification and expert examination.
1. Planning of the expert examination (tasks,
schedules, resources, personnel).
2. Timely analysis of the course and results of
the expert examination.
3. Management of expert analysis process.
4. Documenting the results of the expert ex-
amination (partial and summary reports).
5. Analysis and evaluation of the quality of the
process for conducting independent verifica-
tion and expert examination of software.
Results of running the organizational support
tools are general planning documents; diagrams
of work execution while conducting independent
verification and expert examination of software;
technical reports on the course, results of indepen-
dent verification and expert analysis, evaluation of
the process of carrying them out; summary reports.
It should be emphasized that at the present
time tools of the analytical type have been the
most popular for evaluation of software, which
support the solution of statistical analysis and
software dynamic testing tasks.
Results of running the analytical tools are
technical reports on verification of normative
profiles; static and dynamic testing of software;
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