Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
To inluences of electrical technical or
electronic equipment and other sources of
electromagnetic disturbances (electromag-
netic EIF).
a. Operation correctness during and after
b. Temporary violation of operation correctness
during influence and automatic (without
personnel interference) recovery of correct
operation after termination of influence.
c. Temporary violation of operation correctness
during influence and recovery of correct
operation by personnel interference after
termination of influence.
d. Violation of operation correctness due to
a damage caused by an influence (requires
recovery of a failed device).
EIF of each type is generally characterized
by a set of qualitative features and quantitative
parameters, related to working and limit condi-
tions (further - working and limiting values EIF).
For peripheral equipment, SHC and their
operating stand-alone component parts the fol-
lowing is indicated:
• Low and / or high working values of all
EIF, which guarantee device operability
and reservation of its characteristics within
a regulated service life.
• Allowed low and / or high limiting values of
each EIF, which a device should have and
can sustain within a certain time period,
keeping operability and without irrevers-
ible degradation of speciied properties.
Resistance (insensitivity) of peripheral equip-
ment and SHC is determined by А criterion. Test
results obtained by B, С and D criteria indicate
non-compliance with requirements of EIF resis-
tance or insensitivity.
During planning and execution of EIF resis-
tance tests (insensitivity), the following rules are
Instead of working and limiting values EIF
parameters of testing influences, simulating influ-
ence of these EIFs during factory tests, under which
operation accuracy of peripheral equipment and
SHC is checked, are usually specified. Accurate
operation is usually understood as performance of
all required functions, absence of spurious output
signals and absence of spurious signals and main-
tenance of properties within the specified limits.
Violation of operation correctness is considered
errors in performing at least one function, devia-
tion of any product property over the specified
(allowed) limits, generation of false output signal,
loss or misrepresentation of information in the
memory, necessity of personnel interference for
reload and / or restart of software.
Test results are estimated by the following
• For power supply, generation of input sig-
nals or commands, monitor of output (out-
put signals) state other operating stand-
alone component parts of the same SHC
and/or simulators and measurement tech-
nologies (further - auxiliary equipment)
are used.
• Auxiliary equipment and connecting ca-
bles should be EIF resistant and immune
or protected from their inluence.
Tests are carried out under nominal param-
eters of input signals and values of all EIF
(except the tested one), which meet normal
test conditions.
EIF resistance (insensitivity) of each type
is sequentially checked (except resistance
to environment humidity and to irrigation
of water and solutions during simulation of
emergency conditions).
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