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In Fig. 6.27 we present the LEGClust connections from layers L2 to L5.
The connection from point Q to the closest element in terms of Euclidian
distance only happens in layer L5 reinforcing the idea that the first LEGClust
connections are affected by the local structure. We obtain the same behavior
for the connections of all the layers, favoring the union of those clusters that
follow the local structure of the data.
Fig. 6.27
The connections from 2nd (a), 3rd (b), 4th (c) and 5th (d) layers. El-
ement Q
connects to elements 12, 9, 13 and 4 respectively and according to
values of Table 6.17.
Example 6.8. Figure 6.28 shows another example of the first layer subgraph
obtained from an entropic proximity matrix. The connections clearly follow
the local structure of the dataset.
Fig. 6.28
Example of the first layer connections using an entropic dissimilarity
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