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where f D denotes the unknown radially symmetric PDF of the d ij .Sincewe
are interested in maximizing V R 2 we are consequently interested in having
the highest possible value of f D ( d 0 ) . This will happen when vector d 0 is
aligned in such a way that its end tip falls in a highly peaked region of f D .
In this case d 0 stands along the dominant structuring direction.
Example 6.3. Table 6.14 shows the entropic dissimilarity matrix for the 14
points of Fig. 6.21, using a 9-neighborhood. The points of Fig. 6.21 are refer-
enced left to right and top to bottom as 1 to 14; point Q is, therefore, point 11.
Tabl e 6 . 14
Entropic dissimilarity matrix for Fig. 6.21 example.
Points 12345678901234
8.24 8.37 8.82 9.61
8.56 8.61 8.81 9.17 10.21
8.46 8.55 8.87
8.71 8.75 8.77 8.80 9.29
8.62 8.54
8.54 8.62
8.90 8.80 8.80 8.71 8.94
8.61 8.53
8.53 8.61
8.92 8.81 8.70 8.81 8.92
8.62 8.54
8.54 8.62
8.94 8.71 8.80 8.80 8.90
8.87 8.55 8.46
9.29 8.80 8.77 8.75 8.71
9.61 8.82 8.37 8.24
10.21 9.17 8.81 8.61 8.56
8.56 8.59 8.77 9.27 10.16
8.24 8.36 8.84 9.59
8.72 8.74 8.75 8.89 9.24
8.45 8.56 8.86
8.93 8.81 8.79 8.80 8.90
8.61 8.52
8.53 8.61
8.83 8.73 8.72 8.73 8.83
8.66 8.58
8.58 8.66
8.90 8.80 8.79 8.81 8.93
8.61 8.53
8.52 8.61
9.24 8.89 8.75 8.74 8.72
8.86 8.56 8.45
10.16 9.27 8.77 8.59 8.56
9.59 8.84 8.36 8.24
To compute, in this example, the dissimilarity values for, say, point 1,
one starts by determining its 9 nearest neighbors and then compute the 9
entropies for each connection from point 1 to each nearest neighbor. For this
reason, each row of the entropic dissimilarity matrix has only 9 values. Also,
for the same reason, the entropic dissimilarity matrix is not symmetric since
the 9 values are related to the nearest neighbors of each point and the nearest
neighbors from 2 points a and b are not necessarily the same.
The LEGClust Proximity Matrix
The concept of dissimilarity matrix was formalized in 6.4.3. Using a dissim-
ilarity matrix 4 one can build a proximity matrix, L,whereeach i th row
represents the dataset objects, each j th column the proximity order (1st
column=closest object, ..., last column=farthest object), and each matrix
4 H R 2 ( D, q i ) does not verify all conditions of a common distance measure since
it is not symmetric and may not verify the triangular inequality; it is, however,
sucient to build a proximity matrix.
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