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In this section, MMSE-batch and MEE-based learning algorithms for the
single layer CVNN, with the architecture proposed in [9], are presented.
6.3.2 Single Layer Complex-Valued NN
This subsection follows closely [9]. Consider an input space with d features.
The neuron input is the complex vector x = x R + ix I
where x R
is the real
and x I
canalsobewrittenas w = w R + iw I . The net input of neuron k is given by
d . The weight matrix w
is the imaginary part, such that x
z k = θ k +
w kj x j ,
j =1
where θ k C is the bias for neuron k and can be written as θ k = θ k + k .
Given the complex multiplication of w k x , this can further be written as
+ iz k = θ k
x I w k + i θ k + x R w k + x I w k .
z k = z k
+ x R w k
Note that,
x R w k =
x j w kj .
j =1
The k neuron output is given by y k = f ( z k ) where f :
is the activation
. The activation function used is f ( z k )=( s ( z k )
s ( z k )) 2
function and y k R
where s (
x ) .Giventheformofthis
activation function, it is possible to solve non-linear classification problems,
whereas in the case of a real-valued neural network with only one layer (such
as a simple perceptron) this would not be possible. Now that the output
of the single complex-valued neuron is defined, the way to train a network
composed of a single layer with N of these complex-valued neurons can be
presented. The network is trained in [9] by applying gradient descent to the
MMSE functional
) is the sigmoid function s ( x )=
E ( w )= 1
y k ) 2 ,
( t k
k =1
where t k R
represents the target output for neuron k . To minimize (6.34)
the derivative w.r.t. the weights is used:
s ( z k )) s ( z k ) x j
s ( z k ) x j .
∂w kj
2 e k ( s ( z k )
The previous expression is the derivative w.r.t. the real weights but a similar
one should be made w.r.t. the imaginary weights. To obtain the weights, the
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