Environmental Engineering Reference
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Up to the present day, there has been application of the UNCITRAL Rules in
international commercial arbitration and international investment arbitration. 109
For utilization of UNCITRAL Rules, both parties must agree on a respective
arbitration clause in the contract. 110 There is a reluctance to define the term
commercial, so it is left to the parties
discretion. 111 The UNCITRAL Rules only
offer arbitration rules for a particular case, but they do not include an arbitration
“body” such as the one the ICSID offers with special tribunals. 112 This legal
framework can be used in cases of ad hoc arbitration or within existing institutions
like ICSID or the LCIA. 113 If it comes down to ad hoc arbitration, the UNCITRAL
Rules are the most popular legal framework. 114
International Commercial Arbitration in Practice
The arbitration agreement is the cornerstone of international arbitration. 115 Inter-
national law, and in most cases national law, require a written arbitration agree-
ment. 116 A clear formulation of the arbitration agreement is important to avoid the
question of tribunal jurisdiction or award enforcement. 117 The seat of arbitration
determines which court supervises and supports the process, and what nationality
the award has. 118 The seat of an arbitration institution can be different from the seat
of the actual arbitration. 119 It is vital that the seat of arbitration favors international
arbitration. 120 It is beneficial to conduct an arbitration agreement prior to a dispute
and not afterwards. 121 Lastly, arbitration relies on the consent of both parties.
109 Horn ( 2008 ), 587 (588).
110 Private autonomy of the parties, in: UNCITRAL ( 1981 ), 75 (78) para 17 accessed 07 January
2011; Great freedom for parties, in: Hanotiau and Caprasse ( 2008 ), 721 (721); Horn ( 2008 ),
587 (588).
111 UNCITRAL ( 1981 ), 75 (80) para 31.
112 Dolzer and Schreuer ( 2008 ), 227-228; Hughes ( 2010 ), 149 (150).
113 Kutty ( 2006 ), 565 (571-572); Dolzer and Schreuer ( 2008 ), 228; Hughes ( 2010 ), 149 (150).
114 Especially after the UNCITRAL Rules where used in the 1980s during the Iran-US Claims, in:
Hughes ( 2010 ), 149 (150); McIlwrath and Savage ( 2010 ), 63 para 1-139.
Hauschka ( 2005 ), 1550 (1552); Partasides and Fullelove ( 2010 ), 1 (3).
Partasides and Fullelove ( 2010 ), 1 (3).
McIlwrath and Savage ( 2010 ), 11-12 para 1-003; cf Partasides and Fullelove ( 2010 ), 1 (3).
Especially the nationality of the award can be a deciding factor in the case of enforcement, in:
McIlwrath and Savage ( 2010 ), 21 para 1-025; It is advised that the law governing the contract
should be equal to the law of the seat of arbitration, in: Partasides and Fullelove ( 2010 ), 1 (4).
119 McIlwrath and Savage ( 2010 ), 21-22 para 1-026.
120 Partasides and Fullelove ( 2010 ), 1 (4).
121 Partasides and Fullelove ( 2010 ), 1 (3).
122 Wood ( 2007 ), 575 (586); Reason for arbitration, e.g. confidentiality, in: Harten and Loughlin
( 2006 ), 121 (140).
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