Environmental Engineering Reference
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$140 billion dollars or, in other words, 85 % of all project-finance funding for
PPPs. 98
Direct agreements
between banks and the public sector, 99 credit agreements, 100
cash-flow agreements 101 between banks and the private partner and possible central
bank guarantees 102 complete the complex contractual setup for successful project
1.3.4 Types of Risk
All the risks can be separated into two categories: namely, procedural risks and
project risks. 103 Procedural risks encompass everything from execution of the
contract to political and legal acceptance, while project risks encompass the
construction, operation and transfer phases. 104 Procedural Risks
To avoid any risks concerning the execution of the contract, a
Service Level
(SLA) should be concluded in advance, which sets standards and
formulates contractual penalties for disobeying these standards. 105 In terms of
procedural risks, the two other major issues that a project faces if it is situated in
a foreign country are political and legal risks.
Political risks include practically all governmental activities, such as an unex-
pected change to the political system 106 and the risk of any kind of state interfer-
ence. 107 However, political commitment and legal stability are meaningless if the
agreements are not adequately enforced by the government. 108 One way to ensure
the security of the project would be to apply the
material adverse government
98 Yescombe ( 2007 ), 126; cf. Kn ¨ tel in Siebel et al. ( 2008 ), para 1254.
99 Yescombe ( 2007 ), 210.
100 Dorner ( 1994 ), 75 (85-86).
101 Harries ( 1996 ), 19 (21); “Escrow Accounts” should be suited in countries of the Western
hemisphere, in: Schoeltzke and Claus ( 2007 ), 133 (138).
Verveniotis ( 1996 ), 115 (125); Wahl ( 1994 ), 15 (19-20).
Hofler ( 2007 ), 35 (39).
Hofler ( 2007 ), 35 (39).
Hofler ( 2007 ), 35 (39); Kn¨ tel in Siebel et al. ( 2008 ), para 1415; Bertelsmann Stiftung
et al. ( 2011 ), 50-51.
106 Berger ( 2003 ), 65 (65); cf. Joff´ ( 2000 ), 33 (36); HyunChan et al. ( 1997 ), 93 (100);
Kumaraswamy and Zhang ( 2001 ), 195 (198); Palmer ( 2009 ), 14; Metje ( 2008 ), 54; cf. Happ
( 2002 ), 39 (40).
107 Metje ( 2008 ), 53.
108 Christiansen ( 2008 ), 143 (150).
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