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However, these are all predictions and are subject to change, e.g. increased plant
construction costs. 77 Many questions still remain unanswered, such as the cost of
maintenance, payments for ground usage and the price of energy. 78
In the long term, it is predicted that 60 billion kWh could be imported between
2020 and 2025, and there are suggestions that an extension to 700 billion kWh/year
could be achieved from 2050 onwards. 79 All predictions concerning the economic
feasibility of the Desertec Concept are based on predicted European import rates, as
there are no studies concerning the energy demands of the MENA region. However,
due to the fact that the European market is of great relevance for the successful
implementation of the Desertec Concept, these figures may be useful.
These statistics (Tables 1.1 and 1.2 ) reveal that a concession (based on the
export) should last for at least 30 years if a price of 22 cents/kWh is charged for
the duration. Some predictions suggest that a possible and realistic price for the
MENA region could be 16 cents/kWh, 80 and that it would take around 41.7 years to
It is also important to compare the Moroccan price for energy with the expected
price of the “desert sun energy” to ascertain whether the Desertec Concept is
compatible. If it is to be successfully implemented into the MENA region, the
solar thermal power plant must fit into the local system. 81 Hence, the price of the
produced energy is an indicator of possible market integration. At the moment, the
costs of energy in Morocco are as follows (see Table 1.3 ) 82 .
Other authors mention an average cost of 13 cents/kWh in Morocco. 83 The cost
of energy in Morocco is therefore the highest in the MENA region (aside from
Jordan, with which it is on a par). 84 Concerning the application of photovoltaics,
there are cost predictions for Morocco of between 25 and 30 cents/kWh. 85 Some
estimate that the costs of CSP will be 16 cents/kWh and that this price will decrease
by 2.5-5 % per year within the whole MENA region. 86
77 Winker and Preußner ( 2008 ), 34 (36).
n-tv.de ( 2009 ).
Deutsches Zentrum f ¨ r Luft- und Raumfahrt ( 2010 ).
Deutsch and Hobohm ( 2010 ), 54 (56-57).
cf. Hunter ( 2007 ), 165 (166).
Morris ( 2009 ).
Deutsch and Hobohm ( 2010 ), 54 (56); RAL ( 2010 ), 53.
84 Deutsch and Hobohm ( 2010 ), 54 (56); Other countries: Egypt 7 cent/kWh, Algeria 5 cent/kWh,
Israel 10 cent/kWh, Lebanon 10 cent/kWh, Syria 7 cent/kWh, Tunisia 11 cent/kWh, Turkey
12 cent/kWh, West Bank/Gaza 11 cent/kWh, in: Deutsch and Hobohm ( 2010 ), 54 (56).
85 RAL ( 2010 ), 52.
86 RAL ( 2010 ), 52.
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